100 Days - 100,000 Words
25,001 words down, 74,999 to go!
Deadline - November 1
Inspiration - pandora.com

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 11

Day 11
Honestly, I'm getting a little sick of the author of this website telling me I have to write what I know...  I've already established that I don't want to do that.  I want to write about something that no one knows.  Which I guess means it's something only I know, but not because of real life experience, but because I just have it in my head.

So Daisy has still been exploring Jack's world.  She dared enter this house that she fell in love with.  She's been goldilocks-ing it for a little while.  I don't know if she gets caught yet, it'd definitely be interesting if that happened.  It'd be kinda nice for her to have contact with other people than just Jack, but that might mess up the dynamic.  We'll have to see what happens.

Tonight was another "I really don't feel like writing" night.  I forced myself to read the last couple paragraphs, and got really excited to start back up again.  I actually have written more than I aimed to write, which is good.

Favorite line of the day:  “Well si’down!” She shouted, probably a little too loud, considering their proximity.

Hahahaha!!!  That line is hilarious...  I love old people!  They do the funniest things!  That's too funny... I already like this character!

Oh, she got caught, but not by who I thought it would be.. haha!

I just discovered that the grandma is possibly my favorite character in my story.  I'd like you to meet grandma Rose:
Someone was coming in to the front door! Daisy scrambled to find a place to hide, but wound up standing plain in the middle of the room. As the door opened wider, a little old woman stepped in through the doorway. She saw Daisy, paused, then went about her business. She closed the door behind her, moseyed in to the living room and took Daisy’s spot on the lounge.
“Well si’down!” She shouted, probably a little too loud, considering their proximity.

Here's part of the funny thing about Grandma Rose...  she isn't supposed to be in these people's house either, haha!!  She's such a comfortable intruder, it's hilarious.  I think maybe she's a little senile... but super smart.  Maybe she just plays dumb.
I definitely like her better than Jack and Daisy right now, although Daisy isn't so bad just now.
18,459 words

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