100 Days - 100,000 Words
25,001 words down, 74,999 to go!
Deadline - November 1
Inspiration - pandora.com

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 13

Day 13
I was just telling my brother today, while talking to him a little bit about the story, that my novel definitely doesn't have the issue of too many characters.  At this point, we know of five though we think it's six, and one of them is just a waiter.  We've only actually met four, though, and I just don't even know if the waiter counts.  He might come in later, but for now, he's just a waiter.
Again, today, I haven't written yet.  I'm about to try to force out a hundred words before I go to bed.  I did a lot of plot development today, and had a crashing realization that someone might have to die.
Well, okay, I added a sentence.  I have a headache though, so it's about time to sign out.
I promise that tomorrow I will write.  I'm especially excited to write and just plainly haven't had the time to add in all things I want to.  These were a couple of off days, but I think they were also kind of healthy for my story because I was able to see more clearly what the grander scheme is.
While looking into posting my word counts, I noticed a discrepancy.  The mysterious, fabricated thousand words or so.  Somehow my story jumped up about 1,00 words on the word count.  I guess I wrote somewhere and didn't remember.  Maybe I did write some yesterday.  I know I sat down to write, but I can't remember actually writing.  I remember writing the new stuff too, I just can't remember when I did it.  Oh well!!  I'm a happy camper, and hey look! we're almost to the 20,000 marker!!  How should I celebrate when I reach 20,000?
Better yet, how should I celebrate when I reach 25,000?  I need a super celebration to look forward to for 100,000 too.  Disneyland maybe?
19,481 words

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