100 Days - 100,000 Words
25,001 words down, 74,999 to go!
Deadline - November 1
Inspiration - pandora.com

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 22

Day 22
Bad news guys: unfortunately Husby is going to have to call his work and get his work e-mail before we can get the deal on Microsoft Office.  In the meantime, other programs screw up the word count.  Thus, I've made the executive to continue writing, but not have my word counts posted for a couple of days.  I am falling behind (not literally, but in the sense that I'm not a week ahead), so I'm just going to keep on with my writing.
I must admit, it's kind of pointless and steals some of the excitement from me.  I'm writing toward a goal of 100,000 words, and it's kind of jacked up that I don't even know for sure how many words I have now.

Now, about the Day 22 entry on this guy's site... oops.  I'm totally breaking his rules.  More it's become just a part of my structural routine to read his site.  It gives me something to look forward to more than to guide me.

So Daisy is on her way to talk to Rosie right now, I'm going to go see what happens.  She's going to confront Rosie about why she buys a bus ticket.  What is she going to do when Rosie's not there?

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