100 Days - 100,000 Words
25,001 words down, 74,999 to go!
Deadline - November 1
Inspiration - pandora.com

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 19

Day 19
So I'm looking over my first chapter to send to Aaron, Steve, and my Mom.  As I'm reading, I'm beginning to realize that I did not know Jack at alllll when I started writing.  I was having trouble deciding if Jack represented someone or something, or if he just was Jack.  I have since decided that he is just Jack, because the connotations of representing Christ through a little boy were a little too strange for me.
It was one of a few ideas that I had about who Jack was, but honestly, I wound up having the most fun just writing Jack as a regular boy who, through his spirit is able to bring Daisy to a much safer, better place in her life.  He acts with kindness and compassion, and he tries to be a decent person, he tries to emulate those things that God would have us.  Through that endeavor, though he faces trials just like anyone else, he is then able to relate to Daisy, to help her.
So side note, I think it's neat that I am inadvertantly participating in Blog Every Day in August...  haha!  Not because I decided to, it just happened that this blog started just in time.

Anyways, I'm going through my story looking at Jack in the beginning, and I'm wondering if I need to alter his character in any way.  Part of me thinks no, not really, because he was just a child when the story begins.  Part of me feels like I might need to though.  I may just need to develop his personality a little more.  As my beta testers (Steve, Aaron, Mom) read through more and more of my story though, maybe they can help me decide.

I also am starting to feel a little worried that I am more confident in who Mrs. Hatcher is than I am in who Jack and Daisy are.  I'm definitely gonna have to spend some time developing Jack and Daisy off the transcript.  I need to get to know their quirks a little better.  Especially because they both grew up in the story, and Daisy has definitely outgrown her major flaw with Jack.  Though not to say the flaw doesn't still exist with other people and Daisy.

Oh snap!!  So I know I've reviewed the first chapter of my book more than any other chapter.  I just didn't realize what a great job I did incorporating things that would happen later in the book!!  I just read something right now that is a small clue as to what happens later, but so minute that it's hardly noticeable.  MAN!  I'm excited that I worked that into the story.  Haha, I was surprised when I read it because it was so key to the whole story, and it's just one small line.  It totally gives legitimacy to what happens later in the story, like if you read it again you'd see the signs.
I'm super happy I keep going over my book.

Sorry, super vague, I know.  But I'm super excited, sometimes that just overflows without regulation!

Favorite line of the day: Daisy had taken note of a few of her favorite things in Jack’s world. When she looked around her own, it seemed they had appeared. The shack. Daisy looked back at the shack, and it wasn’t a shack. It was the house. The one with the red shutters. Daisy smiled a wide smile. There was a road and sidewalks. There was a bright red bench. The green streetlamp, the yellow car, the Italian bistro. These things had fabricated themselves in Daisy’s world.  And they were all set against a grey backdrop. Nothing in Daisy’s world was changing itself, per se. But the things from Jack’s world entered in bright hues.

My favorite lines are getting longer and longer, hehe.  I really like this part of the story because it's super exciting.  It was something even I didn't see coming!!  And I imagine the colors so vividly and they look so pretty in her world.  Everything else is still black and white, the things that were originally in her world, so it's pretty cool.
25,749 words


  1. I'm really looking forward to being a beta tester. =) I'm happy you're doing this and keeping with it. I've come to depend on it. It's the only website I consistently visit every day now, though I've been hitting the Citron Review and reading the stuff there recently.

    This is inspiring my own writing as well. I've been pouring in a thousand words here, a thousand words there each day for about the past three days. I was mostly reconfiguring the story to 1. make the characters have the "correct" reactions in given situations that I was writing about (I was too tired and wrote what came to mind instead of what should have actually happened) and 2. to guide the story into the correct and most natural path. The two motivators are intertwined, but subtly different.

    In any case, my point was to say thank you for keeping me inspired!

  2. Aw, thanks Steve!!! That makes me feel so happy :]
