100 Days - 100,000 Words
25,001 words down, 74,999 to go!
Deadline - November 1
Inspiration - pandora.com

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 5

Day 5
I hope I'm not boring my readers...
7,708 words

While reading one of my friends' websites about writing, I was interested by something he said in a post about what editors look for.  An editor himself, i was soaking up every word he wrote.  He said "The first thing I look for is a good first line."  I found this interesting, and I immediately went back and checked on my first line.  I have a few favorite lines from my story, and the first line was one of them. 

It was a line that struck me while I was just perusing the internet with no purpose.  I wrote this line down for posterity's sake, and lo and behold, it turned out being the beginning to my novel.  It's not my favorite because it is innately fabulous.  One or two other lines in my story top this one.  But I like it because it was what started the story, and I felt like it was a pretty good start.

I always look forward to those few lines in my story every time I re-read what I've written so far.  So, drumroll please, here is my first line.

"The grey shade of the drooping daisies was engulfing as fog as Daisy Delight sauntered through the flat field - alone."
I like this line because, already from one sentence you can tell that, wherever she is, she obviously doesn't belong.  What do you think of it?

Stepping into someone else's shoes is difficult.  Stepping into someone else's world, abandoning your own for all intents and purposes, that's heroic.  It's the symbol of love and sacrifice.
Daisy has left her world, people.  It's gonna be intense!  I don't know if she can get back to her own world yet, or is she and Jack are gonna be able to end up together.  It'll be interesting to find out.
I hope it can work out.  We'll see.
I really watch the story unfold as it happens, and I just write it.  If I feel like a section isn't detailed enough, I re-read it and then close my eyes on the parts I want more detail on.  I just watch it as it happens, it's a neat way to write, really.
 9,826 words

Favorite line of the day: Daisy stood, hands still clasped in a dainty arrangement.

Amazing...  Daisy just spent some time in Jack's world and changed.  She's only been there a couple minutes, but it aged her to catch up with Jack.  She's where she should be.  Well, for as much as someone with her issues can be.  Hehe.
I like Daisy so much better already!
Jack had started to kind of annoy me in the start of the story, but he went back to his world and aged properly.  When he came back, he was so much cooler.
Guess who's world is healthier?
Daisy is so awesome!  I am happy I like her again.

CELEBRATE!!!  We just broke the 10,000 word point!!!!  10% done!!!!  Yay!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. There's something poetic about a girl named Daisy Delight in a world without color that droops and feels flat. Her name sounds so lively but her surroundings a so stolid. I'm really excited for this book!
